Conversational Messaging: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement in the Digital Age

Marketers looking for more authenticity in their SMS campaigns — hopefully resulting in better recipient response rates — should learn to focus on their word choices. Specifically, learning how to come across as more conversational rather than promotional is critical. 

The Rise of Conversational Messaging 

One of the tricky things about SMS campaigns is making them appealing to subscribers. Opportunities to save money are good, as is info about upcoming special events or even “build loyalty” messages designed to create good feelings but contain little direct value. 

However, the effectiveness of all these depends on how the message is perceived. If the recipient doesn’t like the tone of the message, any effort has been wasted. 

To help make text marketing messages memorable, senders are encouraged to be as conversational as possible to give the impression they’re chatting with a friend rather than trying to sell something or speaking formally. Conversational messaging is generally casual, which is often more appealing when trying to create a solid connection. 

The Power of Real-Time Interaction 

The value of conversational marketing makes it appear to the recipient that they’re talking to someone directly. While two-way conversations are always preferred, it’s logistically challenging to expect a marketing team to interact directly individually with thousands or even just hundreds of subscribers. 

Instead, SMS gateways, including Mitto, allow promoters to utilize chatbots to provide basic conversations with message recipients to help or guide them for a particular purpose. These can be used in real-time, leading to more immediate and satisfying conversations. 

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Providing an opportunity for a conversation rather than a passive message is undoubtedly more appealing to recipients. It can build loyalty, thinking a company they like will take time to tell them about an offer. It will reach them at a place where they already are: on their mobile devices. 

It can also help build trust since customers are more likely to feel they’re supported and receiving attention if they can be part of a natural conversation instead of simply receiving yet another text advertisement that’s easy to ignore. 

Convenience and Accessibility 

An additional value in conversational marketing comes from the different ways it can be presented. Campaigns can be designed so recipients can continue the conversation at other times or on different devices. Through omnichannel messaging, promoters ensure subscribers can talk as long as they want, whether it’s a quick fix or a more extended discussion to solve a problem. If the subscriber has to pause to take care of other needs, they can easily pick up where they left off when they return. This also provides more advantages than even human customer service agents can offer, who are usually encouraged to quickly resolve a situation and move on to the next caller. 

Building Trust and Loyalty 

Both of these attributes are what businesses crave; strong loyalty and trust encourage clients to keep buying and spread the word. Likewise, a less-than-satisfactory experience can lead to negative interactions and reputations. Companies like Mitto that provide tools, including conversational messaging, offer businesses opportunities to foster positive engagement with their messaging subscribers. 

Data-Driven Insights 

Does conversational messaging work? Many clients have found results with this approach to engagement in their SMS campaigns. But businesses can learn for themselves, including testing different tones and scheduling options.

Companies like Mitto can assist in setting up your campaign, including utilizing different databases, and provide results afterward, so you can see how many people read the messages, clicked where asked, and made purchases. These types of analytics can be invaluable when compared to different kinds of campaigns. 


Presenting opportunities for SMS subscribers to have a conversation — even with a chatbot — can make users enjoy the experience and build trust in your business. 

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