List of HTTP Error Codes (and Solutions) - Metabuzz360

List of HTTP Error Codes (and Solutions)

HTTP Error Codes

You could run across several HTTP error codes while exploring the internet, which might ruin your online experience. The status of the requested webpage is communicated by these error codes between your web browser and the server. You can diagnose and traverse the digital environment more skillfully if you understand these codes and know how to fix them.

Each code, from the frequently seen 404 Not Found error to the more serious 500 Internal Server Error, has a meaning and viable solutions. Understanding these HTTP error codes and how to fix them will help you get past problems and provide a more seamless browsing experience.

HTTP Error Codes 400 Bad Request

HTTP Error Codes 400 Bad Request - Metabuzz360

The status code for HTTP A server’s response code of 400 Bad Request tells a client that the request they made was invalid or that the server was unable to understand it. This error message implies that there was a problem with the grammar or structure of the client’s request, such as erroneous or missing parameters, unsupported HTTP methods, or corrupted data.

The client must fix the problem and send a proper request again because the server cannot process the request owing to its flaws. The 400 Bad Request status code aids in diagnosing and locating issues with client-server communication.

HTTP Error Codes 401 Unauthorized

HTTP Error Codes 401 Unauthorized - Metabuzz360

The 401 Unauthorised status code is an HTTP response that shows the client’s request for the requested resource does not contain proper authentication credentials. When a server issues a 401 error, it signifies that in order to access the resource, the client must enter appropriate credentials, often in the form of a username and password.

This error is frequently seen when a user tries to visit a protected page or carry out an action that needs authentication. Before submitting the request, the client is prompted by the 401 Unauthorised response to enter the required information and identify themselves.

HTTP Error Codes 403 Forbidden

HTTP Error Codes 403 Forbidden - Metabuzz360

The client’s request was legitimate, but the server rejected it, as indicated by the HTTP status code 403 Forbidden. A 403 status code basically informs the client that they lack the authorization to access the requested resource when a server responds with one.

There are several potential causes for this, including unsuccessful authentication, insufficient rights, or an intentional restriction put in place by the server administrator. The 403 Forbidden error is a security precaution to safeguard confidential data or stop unauthorized access to specific resources. The client is prompted to reevaluate their request or look for alternative ways to get the needed content.

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HTTP Error Codes 404 Not Found

HTTP Error Codes 404 Not Found - Metabuzz360

When a web server is unable to locate the requested resource, the HTTP status code 404 Not Found is returned. One of the most frequent mistakes made while using the internet is this one. The server returns a 404 error when a user tries to access a webpage or file that is either gone or has been relocated.

The user is informed by this error notice that the requested content is not currently accessible. Broken links, typos in URLs, or removed material are just a few of the causes. 404 pages are frequently modified by web developers to include useful information or navigational advice for users.

HTTP Error Codes 500 Internal Server Error

HTTP Error Codes 500 Internal Server Error - Metabuzz360

The HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error denotes a server issue that occurred while attempting to process a request. This error often indicates that something went wrong on the server’s end, preventing it from handling the request and giving the desired response, when a user encounters it.

This error message doesn’t give precise information about the underlying problem because it can be brought on by a number of things, including programming mistakes, server overload, or misconfiguration. The server administrator or developer must study the logs to find the source of the issue and make the required corrections to return the system to normal operation.

HTTP Error Codes 503 Service Unavailable

HTTP Error Codes 503 Service Unavailable - Metabuzz360

Instance 503 Service A status code called “Unavailable Error” denotes that a web service is momentarily unavailable. It often happens when a server cannot manage incoming requests because of heavy traffic, upkeep, or other technological issues. When a user sees this error, it implies that the server is currently unable to fulfill their request.

Typically, the error message is followed by a succinct explanation instructing users to try again later. This error code is used by website administrators and developers to let consumers know that a service is currently down and that they should wait until it is available again in order to access the requested content.


In conclusion, everybody involved in web development, server administration, or website troubleshooting must comprehend the HTTP error codes list and how to correct them. These error codes are used by the HTTP protocol to convey a request’s status and details about any problems that might have occurred.

Understanding the various error codes, such as 404 (Not Found), 500 (Internal Server Error), or 403 (Forbidden), will help you diagnose and fix issues more efficiently, enhancing your overall user experience.

Addressing these mistakes provides more dependable and streamlined web interactions, whether it be through the updating of links, fixing server configuration issues, or putting in place suitable authentication methods. A thorough understanding of HTTP error codes equips users to troubleshoot and improve the usability and accessibility of websites.


Q1. What do HTTP error codes mean?

The three-digit HTTP error codes, sometimes called HTTP status codes, represent the results of an HTTP request-response cycle. They are produced by web servers in order to tell clients (such as web browsers) about the success or failure of a request they make to a server.

Q2. How many different HTTP errors are there?

There are various sorts of HTTP error codes. The 1xx informational codes, 2xx success codes, 3xx redirection codes, 4xx client error codes, and 5xx server error codes are the most popular categories. There are roughly 60 different status codes in all, one for each category.

Q3. What does an HTTP 404 error mean?

The “404 Not Found” status code, or the HTTP 404 error, denotes that the server was unable to locate the requested resource. When a user tries to access a webpage or a file that is either missing from the server, has been moved, or has been destroyed, they generally get this error.

Q4. How can I resolve the HTTP 404 error?

You can try the next steps to repair an HTTP 404 error:

Refresh the page: Occasionally, the problem is caused by a brief glitch, and reloading the page will fix it.

Verify the URL: Verify that the URL you supplied is accurate and free of typos or other errors.

Delete the cookies and cache: Your browser’s cookies or cached data could lead to conflicts. Refresh the page after clearing them.

For redirects, look: Check to see whether there is a redirect in place if the requested resource has been moved, and adjust your URL accordingly.

Message the website’s owner: If the problem continues, the resource might have to be permanently deleted from the website.

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