children’s book cover

What should be on a children’s book cover?

A childrens book cover is a very important part of making sure that the content inside is appealing to and understood by its intended audience. It should reflect the tone, message, age level, and genre of the story. It should also be colorful, inviting, and easy to read.

Design Elements

The most successful children’s books contain several key design elements. These include bright, vibrant colors that are attractive to children and draw attention to the book. The title should be in large, easy-to-read fonts, with an illustration or other type of artwork paired with it. The cover may also include the story’s tagline or brief description. This will help potential readers understand what they can expect from the book.


When it comes to images, the options available are limitless! For a children’s book cover, you can use many different types of artwork, ranging from cartoon-style illustrations to photo collages. It is important to select an image that reflects the story and will appeal to its intended audience.

Age Level

It is important to consider the age level of the intended audience when designing a children’s book. For example, an infant or toddler book should have more simple shapes and colors. That is easy for young children to recognize. Books for older readers may contain more intricate illustrations and detail.


A children’s book cover should be vibrant and eye-catching. The bright colors should draw the reader in and make them want to pick up the book. It should also be inviting and engaging so that young readers can’t wait to dive into the story!

Eye-Catching Illustrations

Besides vibrant colors, eye-catching illustrations on the cover are also important. These can range from simple cartoons to detailed sketches and paintings. Related to the story inside, illustrations should help readers understand what they can expect from the book.


A tagline or brief description of the story can be an effective way to grab a reader’s attention. This should be short and simple, while still conveying the book’s message.

Characters That Spark Curiosity

Including characters on a children’s book cover can be a great way to spark curiosity and get readers excited about the story inside. If there is an interesting character that plays a key role in the story, featuring them on the cover can help make your book stand out from others!

Imaginative Landscapes

Imaginative landscapes can also be used to create a captivating cover. This could include illustrations of fantastical worlds, magical creatures, or other imaginative settings. These can help give potential readers an idea of what they can expect from the book and draw them in.

Playful Typography

Playful typography can also enhance a children’s book cover. This could include different font sizes, colors, and styles, or the use of creative words to stress certain elements on the cover.

Emotion and Expression

Finally, children’s books should evoke emotion and expression. This could be through illustrations that display different facial expressions, or the use of colors to create a certain mood. It is important to capture the essence of the story for it to stand out from other books on the shelf.

Expressive Characters

Adding expressive characters to a book cover can also be an effective way to grab the reader’s attention. Illustrating a character during an event or emotion can help draw readers in and create intrigue about the story inside. This is especially important for children’s books. As young readers are often drawn to stories that contain dynamic characters.

Evocative Imagery

Beyond characters, the cover can incorporate evocative imagery. That reflects the book’s themes, setting, or pivotal moments. A well-chosen scene or symbolic element can spark a child’s imagination. This can pique their curiosity and entice them to delve into the story. But, it’s important to strike a balance between revealing enough of the plot. But not giving away important plot points or spoilers.


A successful children’s book should be inviting, engaging, and reflective of both the age level of its intended readers and the story inside. It should also have vibrant colors, eye-catching illustrations, a tagline, or a brief description to grab the reader’s attention and characters. That sparks curiosity, imaginative landscapes, playful typography, and emotion and expression. By using these design elements, authors can create an attractive cover. That will make their book stand out from the competition.





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