Top 7 Daily Use Apps That You Cannot Live Without

Top 7 Daily Use Apps That You Cannot Live Without

Technology has made our lives super comfortable and convenient. Right from getting daily essentials & food to our doorsteps to commuting intercity & making instant digital micro-payments has become an effortless process. This has happened because there are different utility apps that you can use and get the desired services. We have listed out 7…

What Happens When You Force Stop an App On Your Phone - Metabuzz360

What Happens When You Force Stop an App On Your Phone

When you abruptly cease an app’s usual operation by force stop an app on your device, its processes, and services are immediately terminated. This action is frequently taken to resolve problems or reclaim control over unruly applications. An app’s background processes are stopped, its temporary files are deleted, and it is removed from the active…

What is Call Bomber Work, Use, and its Benefits - Metabuzz360

What is Call Bomber?: Work, Use, and its Benefits

A function or program known as a “call bomber” allows for the rapid, automatic dialing of a massive number of phone numbers. It is frequently used for telemarketing, consumer surveys, appointment reminders, and emergency notifications, among other things. To initiate and manage the calls, bomber use computer programs or algorithms, frequently using pre-recorded messages or…